Launch the URL - (blogeditor | 123456) and verify if the header menu is displaying a new link - Manage Blogs ---> blog dashboard and logout.
1. To create a new blog, Click Add Blog Content from the header menu.
2. Fill the required fields as per requirement, and keep the status as 'needs review' and click save.
3. When the save is successful, the page is created with the status 'unpublished'.
4. To publish the same, go to the edit link of the blog, and select published from the drop down and click on Publish to QA button.
5. In the list of Blog Contents page, verify the status is changed to published.
6. After 2 minitues, check the QA URL of the blog acquisition page created.
1. To Clone a blog, select clone option from the dropdown of the respective blog from the list in the List of Blog Content page.
2. Make required updates/changes and click save.
3. To publish the same, go to the edit link of the blog, and select published from the drop down and click on Publish to QA button.
4. In the list of Blog Contents page, verify the status is changed to published and check the QA URL of the blog page created.

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