Want a Lawn That Looks Fit for a Major? Here's What You Need to Do

By TruGreen August 7, 2017
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Want a lawn that looks like a PGA Championship course? You're not alone. Read on for tips on getting a lawn that looks fit for a major!

<p>Major championship golf course with a ball on the green next to the hole</p>

If you've ever been green with envy over the turf at Augusta National, then you're not alone. We're the proud lawn care provider of the PGA Championship and wish all lawns could look ready to host a major. It can take a good amount of work to get a lawn to look great, but in the end, it's always worth it. Check out our tips below to help get your lawn looking like a major championship golf course.

Select the right turf type for your climate

The first step to having a healthy, lush lawn is making sure you have the right grass growing for your environment. If you're in a hot region like the South, consider Bermuda or zoysia, which are both heat- and drought-tolerant. Kentucky bluegrass grows well in the Northern, Midwest, and Mountain regions, while perennial ryegrass is a good choice for states in the Pacific Northwest. The wrong grass can leave you frustrated and unhappy. Be sure to consult the experts and do your research before installing new grass.

Don’t leave your lawn thirsty or saturated

Think Goldilocks: Don't give your lawn too much water or too little; make sure it gets just the right amount. Watering levels will vary by grass type and season, but generally plan to give your lawn 1-2 inches each week during dry weather. You should also be considerate of what time of day you water. Watering in the middle of the day can lead to water waste and evaporation, while watering at night can lead to lawn diseases and fungus. Click here to read more proper watering tips.

Make the [right] cut

Mowing at the right height can be crucial to protecting it from the hot sun in summer and from lawn diseases in the winter. If you’re not sure what height to cut your grass at, ask your TruGreen specialist and they can offer a recommendation based on your grass type. Avoid mowing when the lawn is wet or wilted due to drought, and keep the blade sharp to prevent shredding any grass blades. For more mowing tips, check out our video.

Read the green

While there are many preventative measures that can be taken to get a healthy lawn you love, sometimes you just need to take a walk around the yard and read the green. Look for any potential environmental impacts: is it getting enough sun; are there weeds starting to sprout; do you have any pests invading, are your sprinklers working; is foot traffic leaving any damage? Take a look, and if you spot any problems, ask your specialist about options for correcting the damage.

Keep out the birdies...and other lawn pests

So, these types of birds might not be a problem but lawn pests come in all shapes and sizes. Your TruGreen specialist can advise you on any trends and common pests found in your local area. Generally, keep an eye out for grubs, armyworms, chinch bugs, and mosquitoes, which are found in many parts of the country. Finding out your yard has been invaded by pests can be irritating, but luckily we're prepared to help you get rid of them. Check out our TruShield Lawn Pest Control plan and Mosquito Defense to get a pest-free oasis.

Save the spiked golf shoes and get an aeration

Keep the cleats on the course. For help achieving your personal lawn goals, ask your specialist about spring and fall aeration options. Aeration breaks up thatch, the layer of dead grass that builds up on your lawn, and allows more water, oxygen, and fertilizer to get to your lawn's roots. This means your lawn gets more of what it needs to grow stronger and healthier.

Be prepared for the long game

As much as we wish a great lawn could happen overnight, it doesn’t. A healthy and happy championship lawn like Quail Hollow takes some TLC and time. Thankfully, partnering with TruGreen can help alleviate some of the stress of figuring out what your grass needs. Click here to request a quote today, or give us a call at 800.464.0171.


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