Plant This Now: Your Autumn Color Palette

By TruGreen September 14, 2015
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Add some color with the season's top buds! See the best flowers to plant to help transform your lawn into an autumn wonderland.

<p>best flowers to plant in fall</p>

#PlantThisNow: Your Autumn Color Palette

It’s time to add some color with the season’s top buds so you can transform your lawn into an autumn wonderland.

Perennial Sunflower

Bring some sunshine to your garden this fall with the perennial sunflower.

This gorgeous bud, also known as the Lemon Queen, produces bright chartreuse and golden flowers that form in clusters. Their bright color makes for a cheerful addition to any garden or bouquet.

Pro-Planting Tip: These bright flowers can grow close to 10 feet tall. The taller plants might need support.

Witch Hazel

Don’t let the name fool you—you won’t be put on trial for growing witch hazel, however, these fragrant yellow flowers might just put spell on you.

The plant is a favorite among gardeners for its color as well as its sweet aroma. And in addition to adding amazing fall color to your yard, witch hazel is commonly used to treat insect bites, sunburn, and even as an after-shave lotion.

Pro-Planting Tip: The witch hazel bush is actually a small tree. It can grow up to 30 feet high and 15 feet wide at maturity, so make sure to plant in a large enough area.


When looking for fall color, mums the word this season. Mums, short for chrysanthemums, are one of the fall’s quintessential flowers.

Their variety of shapes and colors let you coordinate with basically any color scheme and bring beautiful splashes of autumn color to your garden.

Pro Planting Tip: Fall-planted mums may not survive the winter since their roots haven’t had a chance to get established. Because the flower is relatively inexpensive, we recommend treating them as annuals and replanting every year.

For more information on how to plant the perfect mums, Meagan Francis at HGTV has a great list of tips on how to plant and keep your Mums healthy.


This tough, beautiful plant will bring a cheery yellow to your yard this fall.

The goldenrod, an autumn flowering perennial, looks good well into October. It grows to about 5 feet tall and spreads slowly to form clumps.

Its branching spikes, littered with tiny, bright golden-yellow flowers, will bring an ethereal beauty to your yard.

Pro Planting Tip: Goldenrods grow their best on moist soil that’s well-drained. Make sure they get plenty of sunlight—too much shade will make them grow weak and floppy.


No name calling here, but this perennial doesn’t mind. When you look like this you learn to not care what others think!

These cool-weather lovers not only add pops of red, orange and yellow, but can actually make it through winter’s frosts, ready to rebound in spring.

Pro-Planting Tip: For best results, plant pansies when the soil temperature is between 45 and 65 degrees. They grow best in well-drained, rich soil in a partly shady area.

There you have it! Our top picks for this season, which flower is your favorite? Let us know in the comments.

Now that your flowerbeds are ready for the season, get your lawn prepared for fall, too! Set up an appointment with a TruGreen® PhD-certified specialist today.


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