Bring Your Yard Back to Life After Winter

By TruGreen March 9, 2015
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You're beginning to see the first signs of spring, and your lawn is ready to re-emerge. See what steps you can take to help it bounce back to life.

<p>bring your yard back to life after winter</p>

Winter’s icy grip is finally starting to loosen. Signs of life are shining through. You’re starting to see a light at the end of a cold, dark tunnel. But before you can start hosting garden parties or enjoying a lemonade in the backyard, we’ve got some work to do. To achieve envy-worthy turf, here are a few steps you can take to help your lawn spring back to life.

Rake, Rake, Rake

Though it might seem counter-intuitive, raking in the spring is just as important as it is in the fall. Spring raking helps remove unwelcome thatch, which can attract unwanted pests, while helping identify areas of grass where snow mold may have occurred.

Aerate Compacted Areas

Now that you've raked, you have a clear view of your yard. There's a good chance you have some heavy-traffic spots, which has increased the density of your soil, making it difficult for roots to take. Aeration can help loosen up the soil, making room for your grass to breathe.


Overseeding bare spots in your yard can help revive those brown, bare patches that need a little extra love.


Time to put your muscles to work. Start weeding as soon as you can, pulling weeds from the root. Keep a special eye out for dandelions, as they often come back year after year. Pre-emergents are weed preventers, more than weed killers. By applying, you'll create a barrier against weed growth that tends to surge in spring.

By taking these simple but effective steps with your lawn, you'll see greener grass sooner, so you can start living life outside. Schedule a call today to get your yard ready for spring.


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