Alsike Clover Illustration

Alsike Clover

Trifolium hybridum

The Alsike Clover is a perennial broadleaf weed that is highly adaptable to different types of climate. Also known as Dutch Clover, Honeysuckle Clover, White Trefoil and Purplewort, this broadleaf weed lives longer than most perennial weeds.




Palmately Trifoliolate

Palmately Trifoliolate



The Alsike Clover has dark-green leaves and—like all clovers—three leaflets. But what really makes this broadleaf weed stand out are two unique features: The stalks that attach the leaflets to the stem (the petioles) are large, white and hairy, and there’s no stalk on the middle leaflet. The Alsike Clover also blooms white-to-pinkish, round flowers. These flowers help with broadleaf weed identification when comparing an Alsike Clover to a White Clover, as well as the fact that an Alsike Clover doesn’t have white crescent watermarks on its leaflets.

Life Cycle

Alsike Clovers flourish in cool, temperate conditions, but they’ve also adapted to survive in a vast array of harsh climates and environments. From wet, infertile soils with high acidity to slightly alkaline soils, these broadleaf weeds are survivors—even their average lifespan, at two to three years, is longer than a normal perennial's.

Life Cycle Image


Trifolium hybridum can be a rather difficult broadleaf weed to control using cultural methods such as proper mowing, watering or physical removal. Close mowing practices have been known to discourage Alsike Clover, but this will cause additional stress to grass, resulting in a thin lawn.


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