2015 By The Numbers

By TruGreen January 3, 2016
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A snapshot of what 2015 looked like for TruGreen specialists:

In 2015, TruGreen specialists treated the equivalent of 494,000 Fenway Parks (in area). 

Our Tree & Shrub specialists treated the equivalent of 4,400 acres of rainforest. 

TruGreen specialists walked the equivalent of 8 trips to the moon

TruGreen trucks drove 93 million miles in 2015, equal to the distance from the earth to the sun. 

It wasn’t just our specialists who had a big year…

Our team launched 2 beautification programs this year in Indiana and Michigan. We launched TruNeighbor this past summer, a new program to help beautify and revitalize neighborhoods and public green spaces around the country, in two pilot cities: Gary, Indiana and Lansing, Michigan. Working in partnership with each city’s Mayor and other local community leaders, TruGreen helped revitalize a public gathering space in Gary, and are continuing to help create a public orchard in Lansing that was once the site of a derelict home. We look forward to continuing the program in communities across the country next year!

Our employees helped raise $95,322.00 for United Way of the Mid-South in our annual fundraising campaign this year. According to the organization, the gift will help positively impact around 600,000 people by supporting their network of 80 Mid-South nonprofits with more than 200 programs.

Want to learn more about us? Check us out on FacebookTwitterYouTubeGoogle+ and Pinterest.

<p>TruGreen 2015 stats</p>


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